As part of the overall Master Plan for the Elkhart High School Campus, JPR was tasked with reconfiguring bus access and expanding the transportation office. This site reconfiguration also included relocating and updating their dated fuel center.
Providing site design and coordination for the new fueling center, the design team worked with multiple departments and school personnel to plan the relocation of the fueling tanks, as well as the removal of dated buildings. This also encompassed coordination between maintenance staff and bus drivers to perform test runs of the new gates and entry kiosks.
Since completion of the initial project, school buses now have a dedicated campus entrance/exit onto Kent Street that does not interfere with student drop-off traffic. They also have easy access to the new fueling area.
Now that the fueling center with above-ground tanks is operational, the JPR environmental team has been retained to oversee the removal of the four underground fuel storage tanks that were previously utilized.
Project services included civil-site engineering, environmental, and surveying.